6 reasons to bring your marketing technology to the cloud

Consistency in your communication has always been important. Now, as people conduct more research on various channels at different times, that consistency is more relevant than ever. By bringing your marketing technology to the cloud, it becomes easier for you to spread one message across various channels—uniform and recognizable for your target audience, and it works. You can read about this and five other reasons in this blog.

Note: In this blog, we specifically focus on the marketing technology 'Sitecore XM Cloud.' We chose this platform because it's robust, the benefits speak for themselves, and our experience shows that marketers simply love it. Let us take you through:

1. Engaged Customers

Thanks to Pages, the new editor in XM Cloud, you can develop new content faster than ever (up to 35% faster!). The content is easy to personalize, and advanced analytics provide a clear picture of what resonates with your target audience. You can easily translate this data into new insights to optimize your strategies. Optimized and personalized content leads to a better customer experience, ultimately resulting in more engaged and loyal customers.

2. Lightning-Fast Performances

Integrating various advanced techniques significantly improves your Google Lighthouse scores. Your Google pagespeed shoots from an average of 20 to 98, and the load time with 200 simultaneous visitors easily goes from 1.5 seconds to 156 milliseconds. XM Cloud utilizes modern web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5, which are more efficient and deliver better performance than older technologies. Moreover, the platform is automatically optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that pages are not only well-displayed but also operate smoothly on different devices.

3. Multi-Channel Delivery

Write once to distribute to any desired customer touchpoint. Manage your content in one central repository that seamlessly collaborates with your existing stack, including websites, apps, social media, and email, thanks to its headless structure. Creating, editing, and publishing content across these platforms becomes much simpler and faster, giving you maximum control over what, where, and when you want to publish as a marketer.

4. User-Friendly & Simplicity for the Marketer

The desires of the marketer were central in designing the new Page Editor in XM Cloud. This resulted in an editor with all the necessary functionalities to easily and independently create and personalize content. No more unnecessary steps—direct access to all the functionalities a content marketer needs. And it works super fast. Continuous and automatic updates are the standard, ensuring that as a marketer, you always have access to the latest and most advanced tools. Great because this way, you stay ahead in the dynamic marketing world.

5. Lower Total Cost of Ownership

Also, not an insignificant aspect; with XM Cloud, you'll save a considerable amount of costs. Thanks to the user-friendliness and speed, you'll have more time for other things. Concrete savings are there too: infrastructure costs are on average 50% lower, and upgrade costs, which can quickly add up, are no longer an issue. More budget for other marketing activities...

6. Scalability & Security

A platform that grows with your needs? We've got you covered! XM Cloud is hosted on Microsoft Azure, making it easily scalable. Thanks to Azure's robust infrastructure, including virtual machines and load balancing, your platform can automatically handle peak loads when needed. This ensures that performance remains consistent, even during periods of high demand. You are assured of a seamless and reliable user experience.

What suits your organization?

Fortunately, there are increasingly more marketing technologies in the cloud. The best platform for you depends on your desires, needs, and objectives. As a Sitecore Gold Focus partner, our preference, naturally, is for the Sitecore cloud suite, which includes XM Cloud. We tailor XM Cloud based on your needs, ensuring you always have a platform that perfectly aligns and is super easy to adapt when your needs change.

Curious about what this technology can mean for your organization? Let us know; we're happy to brainstorm with you. Prefer to do some more research on marketing technology in the cloud yourself? Feel free to read our other blogs or watch the webinars (in Dutch) we've held on this topic.