Team uxbee in Dublin - work, pubs and lots of fun

Fun team events are nothing new for uxbee, from curling (although we advise against it, the bruises linger) to comedy nights, lavish dinners, and a few days of work and play from a house in Spain. With uxbee's fifth anniversary on the horizon in September 2024, founders Theo and Patrick wanted to go all out. And they succeeded!

The idea took shape when colleagues Frank and Jeroen announced they had been selected to speak at SUGCON (Sitecore User Group) in Dublin. And off we went to Ireland—not just the two SUGCON speakers, but the entire team.

Team Building in the Pub

Day one - Where else would you start upon arrival in Dublin but at a pub? Exactly. In the iconic Temple Bar Area, we spent the afternoon and evening engaging in some serious team building. Pints of Guinness (or other fine brews 😉) and whiskey flowed, forging bonds that would last. Fortunately, we have the photos to prove it...


Guinness and Church Bar

Day two - Despite a slightly rough morning after the previous night's festivities, the whole team gathered ready to work together. The hotel where we stayed provided excellent facilities for getting down to business. After a few hours of work, we headed to the Guinness Brewery. While they no longer brew beer there, it was still fascinating to see. Especially the top floor, where the tour concludes with a glass of Guinness (or another fine brew 😉) in the sky-bar overlooking Dublin—weather permitting (unlike our visit, which was quite cloudy and rainy).

If you ever find yourself in Dublin, dinner at the Church Bar is a must. We ended our day there with delicious food and Irish tap dancers performing in the background.


Working together and Jameson

Day three - The next day, everyone was bright and cheerful in the café for a morning of work. In the Netherlands, we often work from home or at client locations, so it was great to spend a week together. In the afternoon, we visited Jameson for an enjoyable tour of the old factory followed by a tasting—highly recommended!


Dublin City Tour

Day four - On our last full day, we spent the morning working again before immersing ourselves in culture. Guided by Dutch Cathelijne from Witty Walks, who had relocated from the Netherlands to Ireland, we embarked on a walking tour of Dublin's historic highlights. Incredibly interesting, and thankfully, the weather was on our side!

Some of the team headed to SUGCON after the tour, while the rest of us found another pub to bid farewell in style 😉


Want to join us next time?

As you can imagine, it was an incredibly fun week! Want to join us on our next adventure? Check out our available jobs! It would be great to raise a toast to a new colleague soon.